5 Causes & Potential Fixes: Bosch Dishwasher Not Draining



Bosch dishwashers are renowned for their efficiency, quiet operation, and outstanding cleaning performance.

But like any appliance, they’re not immune to technical issues.

One of the more common problems users face is the dishwasher failing to drain properly. This issue can be caused by various factors, from food blockages to problems with the drain pump.

Understanding why is your Bosch dishwasher not draining is the first step to troubleshooting and resolving the issue.

In this article, we will provide in-depth guidance on identifying the causes of this problem and help you restore your dishwasher to perfect working order.

Savor the peace of mind that comes with knowing you can handle this common problem yourself!

Key Points

  • Check for Food Blockages: Examine the filter and drain area for any food particles or debris that might obstruct the water flow.
  • Inspect the Drain Hose: Ensure the drain hose is not kinked and its connection to the sink drain or garbage disposal is clear and free of blockages.
  • Examine the Drain Pump: The drain pump or pump motor might be the culprit if the dishwasher is still not draining. Listen for a humming sound to determine if the pump is working.
  • Evaluate the Control Panel: Lastly, a problem with the control panel or timer could also cause the dishwasher not to drain. A professional might be needed to resolve this issue.

5 Reasons Why Bosch Dishwasher Not Draining

Here’s a glance at the five most common reasons causing your Bosch dishwasher not to drain.

Each of these culprits could be the root cause of your dishwasher woes.

1. Clogged Filter

One prime suspect for a Bosch dishwasher not draining is a clogged filter. Over time, food particles can accumulate and block the filter. This blockage restricts water flow, preventing the dishwasher from draining properly.

Inspect the filter regularly. Make sure it’s free of debris. A simple rinse under warm water can often dislodge any food particles. For stubborn blockages, a soft brush can be useful.

Maintaining a clean filter enhances the efficiency of your dishwasher. Moreover, it prevents drainage issues. Regular maintenance is key to long-lasting performance. Don’t neglect this simple task.

Remember, a clean filter equals a happy dishwasher. And of course, a happy dishwasher means clean, sparkling dishes every time. Keep it clean, keep it efficient.

2. Faulty Drain Pump

Another culprit could be the drain pump. This component’s function is to expel the dirty water from the dishwasher. If it’s faulty, it can cause the dishwasher not to drain.

An audible humming or buzzing noise may indicate a faulty pump. This could mean it’s running but not pumping water. Or, it could be completely silent, suggesting it’s not running at all.

Bosch Dishwasher Not Draining: Check Drain Pump

To check, you’ll need to access the pump. This is usually located at the bottom of the dishwasher. Please ensure the dishwasher is unplugged before you start.

If you spot any visible signs of damage, a replacement pump may be necessary. However, sometimes the issue may be a blockage. If so, carefully remove the obstruction.

Always consult your user manual or a professional if unsure.

Regular checks can help prevent issues with the drain pump. With proper care, your dishwasher can continue to perform at its best.

3. Blocked Drain Hose

The drain hose could be another source of the dishwasher drainage issue. It carries water from the dishwasher to your home’s drainage system. Any blockages can prevent proper drainage.

Blockages can occur due to food residue, grease, or even a kink in the hose. Over time, these elements can build up and form an obstruction.

You can check the drain hose by detaching it from both ends. This will require you to pull out the dishwasher slightly. Always remember to unplug the dishwasher first.

Once detached, try running water through the hose. This can help clear minor blockages. If the water does not flow freely, there’s likely a blockage.

Sometimes, a simple straightening action can resolve a kink. For stubborn obstructions, you might need to replace the hose.

Keeping the drain hose clear lets your dishwasher reliably clean your dishes. Regular checks and maintenance are essential for optimal performance.

4. Broken Dishwasher Door Latch

A broken dishwasher door latch can also lead to drainage problems. The latch ensures the door is sealed during a wash cycle. If it’s malfunctioning, the dishwasher might not start at all.

There are a couple of ways to check if this is the issue. First, ensure the door can fully close. If it can’t, the latch might be the problem. Additionally, look for any visible signs of damage to the latch itself.

Sometimes, the issue may be as simple as a loosening latch over time. In this case, tightening the latch may resolve the problem.

However, if the latch is broken, a replacement will be necessary. Always consult your dishwasher’s user manual or contact a professional for proper guidance on latch replacement.

By maintaining the dishwasher door latch in good condition, you can ensure the smooth operation of your dishwasher. This also helps prevent unnecessary water waste.

5. Malfunctioning Garbage Disposal System

A malfunctioning garbage disposal system can disrupt your dishwasher’s drainage. Often, the two appliances share a drain, and a clogged garbage disposal can back up into the dishwasher.

First, check your garbage disposal. Is it working fine? If not, this could be the root of the problem.

Malfunctioned Garbage Disposal System Can Block Drainage

Secondly, inspect if there’s a plug in the disposal. During installation, some models require this plug to be knocked out. If it’s still there, it could prevent proper drainage.

Lastly, check for food debris. Even a working garbage disposal can cause problems if it’s packed with food waste. Regularly clean your disposal to ensure a smooth flow.

In summary, ensure your garbage disposal is functioning well and kept clean. This will help maintain your dishwasher’s optimal performance.

How To Fix Bosch Dishwasher Not Draining?

Addressing a Bosch dishwasher that’s not draining can be straightforward once you’ve identified the potential issues. The following steps can help you diagnose and fix the problem:

  • Inspect the drain hose for clogs or damage.
  • Clean the dishwasher filter to remove any food debris.
  • Check the drain valve for any blockages.
  • Ensure the garbage disposal is functioning well.
  • Consult your dishwasher’s user manual or seek professional help if necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What could be the main causes of a Bosch Dishwasher not draining?

There could be various reasons for your Bosch Dishwasher not draining, including a clogged drain, a faulty drain pump, a blocked filter, or issues with the dishwasher’s software.

2. How can I fix a clogged drain in my Bosch Dishwasher?

First, you should disconnect the dishwasher from the power source. Then, locate the drain and clean it using a wire or a suitable brush. If the clog is stubborn, you might need to use a drain-unclogging solution.

3. What if the problem is with the dishwasher’s drain pump?

If the dishwasher’s drain pump is faulty, you might need professional help. Although you can replace it by yourself, getting a professional service for replacement is recommended to avoid any further complications.

4. Is there a way to clean the blocked filter of a Bosch Dishwasher?

Yes, most Bosch Dishwashers have removable filters. You can remove the filter and clean it under running water. Ensure that it is proper for the dishwasher to function optimally.

5. What should I do if there’s an issue with the dishwasher’s software?

If the software is the issue, resetting the dishwasher might help. You can consult your user manual for the correct method to reset your specific Bosch Dishwasher model.

6. When should I consider calling a professional?

If you’ve tried the potential fixes and your Bosch Dishwasher is still not draining, it might be time to call a professional. It’s also advised to call a professional if the dishwasher is showing error codes, or if you’re not comfortable performing the fixes yourself.


A Bosch dishwasher not draining is a common issue. Don’t panic. Start with simple solutions. Check the drain hose.

Look for clogs. Are there any? Go to the filter. Clean it thoroughly. Is the drain valve clear? Make sure of it. Is your garbage disposal working well? It’s essential.

Try these steps. You may solve the problem. If not, consider professional help. Your dishwasher is vital. Keep it in top shape. Maintain it regularly. Avoid major issues.

Be proactive. Your efforts will pay off. Happy dishwashing!


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