How To Fix LG Dryer d80 Code And Other Codes



The LG Dryer d80 code and other codes such as d90, and d95, are error messages that appear when your dryer is not properly venting.

These codes signal an issue affecting the dryer’s efficiency and performance, potentially raising safety concerns.

Understanding what these codes mean and how to fix them can help you maintain your dryer in optimal condition, ensure your clothes are dried properly, and extend the appliance’s lifespan.

This guide will walk you through the steps necessary to troubleshoot and resolve these common error codes, empowering you with the knowledge to keep your LG Dryer running smoothly.

Key Points

  • Understanding the Codes: The d80, d90, and d95 codes on your LG Dryer indicate an issue with venting. These codes can affect dryer performance and could potentially raise safety concerns. Understanding these codes is the first step in troubleshooting.
  • Troubleshooting: This guide provides step-by-step instructions to help you identify and fix the issues causing these error codes. Following these steps can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your dryer.
  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance and promptly addressing these codes can extend your LG Dryer’s lifespan. This guide empowers you with the knowledge to keep your appliance running smoothly.

What is the LG Dryer d80 Code?

The LG Dryer d80 code represents 80% air blockage. This means your dryer’s venting system is blocked, and only 20% of the normal air can exit.

First, start by checking your dryer’s lint filter. Make sure it’s clean, as an overloaded filter can cause blockages.

Next, inspect your vent hose. It should be securely attached and not have any kinks or bends.

If these are in order, you should check the external vent outlet. Ensure there’s no debris obstructing airflow.

Still, seeing the d80 code? It might be time to call in a professional. They can perform a thorough vent cleaning. Remember, regular maintenance can help avoid these issues in the future.

Other Common LG Dryer Codes

In addition to the d80 code, a variety of other common LG Dryer codes can appear.

It’s essential to familiarize yourself with these as they can help you diagnose different issues and ensure your dryer operates efficiently.

Here are additional common LG Dryer codes:


The d90 code represents 90% air blockage. This is more severe than the d80 code. Your dryer’s venting system is almost completely blocked, with only 10% of the normal airflow.

Start with the basics. Check your dryer’s lint filter. Clean it if it’s overloaded. It’s the simplest action, yet often overlooked.

Next, look at your vent hose. Confirm it’s secure and has no kinks or bends.

Check your external vent outlet too. Remove any debris blocking airflow.

Still, seeing a d90 code? It’s time to call a professional. A deep vent cleaning may be necessary. Don’t forget regular maintenance to prevent these issues.


The d95 code signifies an alarming 95% air blockage. Your dryer’s venting system is severely obstructed.

Begin by examining the lint filter. If it’s overloaded, clean it.

LG Dryer error and code

Now, move on to the vent hose. Ensure it is attached properly. Check for any twists or turns.

Don’t forget the external vent outlet. Clear any debris blocking the passage.

Still, encountering the d95 code? It may be time to contact a professional. A comprehensive vent cleaning might be required.

Remember, preventive maintenance can save you from these issues. Regular checks are beneficial.


The tE1 code signifies a thermistor error. This fault code suggests that your dryer has issues with its temperature control. Don’t worry, it’s not a cause for immediate panic.

Start by unplugging your dryer. Safety first is the rule of thumb.

Inspect the thermistor. If it’s visibly damaged or broken, it needs replacement.

If the thermistor seems fine, check the wiring. Look for any signs of damage or disconnection.

Still, facing the tE1 code? It might be time for professional intervention. An expert can provide a thorough assessment and fix the issue.

Remember, routinely checking your dryer can help nip potential problems in the bud. It’s always better to be proactive rather than reactive.


The tE2 code represents a temperature sensor fault. Your dryer might be experiencing difficulties regulating its heat. Let’s tackle this step-by-step.

First, unplug your dryer. Safety is paramount.

Next, scrutinize the temperature sensor. If there’s visible damage or it appears broken, it’s time for a replacement.

Inspect the wiring. Any signs of damage or disconnection should be addressed.

If the tE2 code persists after these steps, professional help may be needed. An appliance repair expert can perform a deep inspection and fix the issue.

Don’t forget, that regular maintenance on your dryer can prevent these problems. Stay ahead by proactively checking your appliance.


The tE3 error code indicates a problem with the dryer’s heating elements. This means your dryer isn’t heating up correctly. Don’t stress just yet, let’s take it one step at a time.

Start by unplugging your dryer. Safety always comes first.

Examine the heating elements. Are they visibly damaged? If so, a replacement is necessary.

Check the wiring next. Look for any signs of damage or disconnection.

If the tE3 code stays after these measures, you might need professional help. An appliance repair expert can give a detailed inspection and resolve the problem.

Remember, frequent maintenance is key. Regular checks of your dryer can prevent these issues. Being proactive saves time and hassle.


The FE error code is a sign of power issues in your dryer. When this code flashes, your dryer might be getting too much power. Here’s a step-by-step fix.

First, unplug your dryer. Safety is always a priority.

Next, check the circuit breaker. It could be tripped. Reset it if needed.

Inspect the dryer’s power cord. Make sure it’s not damaged or frayed.

Ensure your dryer’s power outlet is functioning well. Test it with another appliance.

If the FE code continues to flash, it’s time for professional help.


The dE error code signals a door error in your dryer. This usually means the door isn’t closing properly. Let’s address this.

DE error: Door not closing

First, unplug your dryer for safety.

Inspect the door latch carefully. It might be broken or bent. If it is, replace it.

Next, check the door seal. Look for any signs of wear and tear. A damaged seal needs replacing.

Scan the door switch. It should click when pressed. If not, it’s faulty and needs a new one.

After these steps, if the dE code still shows, you might need expert assistance. An appliance repair professional can diagnose and fix the issue. Remember, regular maintenance helps prevent these errors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What does the D80 error code on an LG Dryer mean?

The D80 code on an LG Dryer signifies that the dryer’s venting system is 80% restricted. This means there is an issue preventing adequate airflow, which could lead to inefficient drying and can potentially be a fire hazard.

Q2: How can I clear the D80 error code on my LG Dryer?

Clearing the D80 error code typically involves a thorough cleaning of the dryer vent. This can be performed with a long, flexible brush to remove lint build-up. However, if the problem persists after cleaning, it may require professional assistance.

Q3: Are there other common error codes for LG Dryers?

Yes, besides the D80, LG Dryers may also display codes like D90 and D95, indicating 90% and 95% blockage, respectively. These also suggest problems with the venting system.

Q4: What does the D90 error code mean?

The D90 error code on an LG Dryer signifies a 90% blockage in the venting system. It’s a more severe indication of airflow restriction requiring immediate attention.

Q5: How dangerous is a D95 error code?

A D95 code is a critical warning sign indicating the dryer vent is 95% blocked. This could lead to overheating and poses a significant fire risk. Immediate action is required.

Q6: Can a restricted venting system affect the performance of my LG Dryer?

Yes, a restricted venting system can cause your dryer to work inefficiently, taking longer to dry clothes and consuming more energy, which can impact your electricity bills.

Q7: What preventative measures can I take to avoid these error codes?

Regular cleaning of your dryer’s venting system can prevent these error codes. Ensure the vent is free of lint and debris, and observe any changes in your dryer’s performance.

Q8: Is it necessary to seek professional help for these error codes?

A8: While some issues can be resolved through cleaning, persistent or critical error codes like D90 or D95 should prompt you to seek professional services to ensure your dryer’s safety and proper functioning.


Maintaining your dryer is crucial to ensure its longevity and functionality. Error codes may seem intimidating, but they’re just your appliance’s way of communicating issues. For many, a simple reset or check could solve the problem.

However, if frequent errors persist, it may indicate a deeper issue. In such cases, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. A certified appliance repair expert can diagnose and resolve complex issues, saving you time and potential future damage.

Remember, it’s always better to be proactive. Regular checks and swift actions can prevent major problems down the line. Your dryer is an essential appliance. Treat it with care, and it will serve you well.


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